Aboriginal Childhood

18 February, 2010




Care of the ancient near-natives most clearly manifested in their love for children. Child, born with severe physical disabilities, or during natural disasters, When threatened with famine, that is already doomed to failure, usually killed immediately after birth.

But in good years it since birth until the initiation ceremony was surrounded by careful attention. His carefully carried in a cradle made of bark or in the trough for a long time for food and feed breast milk. He grew up in close contact with adults and other children, soaking up the experience of everyday camp life, and yet very strong ties with his parents joined him. They taught him the first words and deeds.

The child is also close contact with the mother's brother, who often acted as a guardian. Boy, When came time to initiation, he was acquainted with the secret traditions of the tribe, the girl found the groom. These vzaimorodstvennye due tribe had an extremely important, since formed the basis of Aboriginal social structure.

In early childhood, kids full freedom of parents and spent much time in the games with them, taught the dances and songs. Games were a lot of. Boys were taught military skills-throwing toy spears and throwing balls, made of clay. Playing ball, hide and seek, rope, painted animal tracks, or "pretend" portrayed themselves as someone. Very fond of the game "in the string": on the fingers of both hands so tied knots on a string, to get different figures. Cord stems of climbing plants.

Entertainment does not interfere with the preparation of children for real life. Literally, every event is used to study the techniques and tricks of hunting. Children, especially boys, accustomed to recognize voices and sounds of large animals and birds. They are so well versed in the tracks of animals, that could almost distinguish the individual members of the same species.

Every day, they helped the adults in the gathering, and sometimes even themselves preyed on reptiles and birds. The child and learned life, directly involved in it, and not through the teachings. He grew up, knowing their place in the group, a clear sense of their responsibilities. As time went early childhood, a period of more obedience to parents. Regardless of gender the children already knew some of the dances and songs, preparing themselves for ceremonies, much needed at a later stage of their lives. They had to learn to tolerate the pain, that they had to endure during various ceremonies and in everyday life to the extent that, as they matured.

At the age of 13 before 16 for boys it was time to prepare for the rite of initiation - initiation. They are separated from their parents, by relatives and taken away from the camp in specially designated areas. The girls also stayed with their parents until marriage. So carefree childhood as boys, and girls coming to an end.

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