Aboriginal music and dance, корробори

15 Февраль, 2010




Aborigines find many simple pleasures in everyday life, that helped create a lot of their good mood and generally cheerful disposition. The joy of life is reflected in the music and dancing, called corroboree, which are usually not associated with any rites and therefore were not constrained by the framework of the ritual.

In these dances depicting scenes from everyday life, played out the whole presentation, simulate the phenomena of nature and various events.

Music for corroboree, and for the rituals performed by simple means. In some tribes fought off the rhythm of a simple alternation of blows to the thighs, in others the blows of sticks on the ground, Sometimes tapping the two boomerangs. Bunches of eucalyptus leaves at the ankles and forearms simulated rustling feathers emu.

The most characteristic sounds monotonous lamentations were themselves Aboriginal and sounds, published "dideridu"-long tube made of bamboo or eucalyptus. The pipe served as a sort of mouthpiece, amplifying the sound of voices. This tool was not widely used and was used only in certain areas Northern Australia.

These natives were very respected, because it is not so good and easy to find, "trumpeter", who knows how to buzz as if without interruption of breathing, and two keys. The creator of the songs, too, was a very respected person. He participated in the performances and composed songs, telling about everyday events; his extensive repertoire of songs is also supplemented, inherited from ancestors.

Songwriter and "trumpet" is often performed at the invitation of other groups and for these services were compensated. There were also the leaders of Dances. They lay the bulk of the execution corroboree, that required skillful imitation, especially the habits of animals.

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