Family and Kinship in the lives of Aboriginal
17 February, 2010
In the life of the Aboriginal race as a social unit has played a much smaller role, than the local group, which united the family vzaimorodstvennye, cohesive daily life within its territorial possessions.
The group members worked together not only to meet personal needs. Food is distributed according to the rules, complied with the special interests of the elderly and the young generation.
Family, as the basic unit of the group, often performed separately, and was connected by ties of kinship through the father and other families. Thus, group consisted of relatives of the male line, represented different generations. Sons throughout the life remained in the group and generally could not marry the girl of his own group. The daughters were obliged to leave her, but they remained members of the genus, on whose territory was inhabited by the spirits of their ancestors.
In Aboriginal society, played a large role the primary family unit, husband, his wife or wives, their children. Strong links, existed between them within the family and local group, actually extended even further: not only members of the tribe, but also people outside the family considered themselves. This view was based on the belief that, if family members have a different embodiment, depending on the terrain, therefore it is difficult to recognize. Close, and with equal, relatives were considered some of the relatives of one generation. For example, brothers, father, fathers accounted, uncles and not, their children through the male line-brothers, instead of cousins. Sisters, mothers considered mothers and their daughters, sisters (On the other hand, father's sister and brothers, mothers and aunts uncles were considered).
Several family members were united under one name. Group of relatives within each recognized tribe, and each group of "friends", which had a specific name, only they differ by some peculiar customs. Marriages consisted of members of different kin groups. Incest is not allowed.
Although the concept of kinship and other associations within the tribe (For example, phratries and childbirth) remain difficult for our understanding of, important to understand, that social relationships and patterns of personal behavior clearly pre-defined system of kinship. Regulated not only the choice of marriage partner, and other relationships of people in their everyday lives. In accordance with the laws of the tribe of Aborigines in some cases had to avoid contact with certain people, such was the custom not to allow communication with the mother-in-law.
Customs permeate Aboriginal. In their well-organized society, the strict observance of the laws implemented in the interests of all members. Any violation of the retaliation was punished. In exceptional cases, the death penalty served as a. Dominated by the principle of "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth ", quarrels and fights are often resolved with kopemetaniem, or the perpetrator struck on the head with a club or a digging stick. The punishment was performed immediately, so as soon as possible to restore peaceful life of.
In all the vicissitudes of life-natives showed great respect for elders, are obeyed. Advanced age stood out not only the gray. Endowed with the experience of past years, knowledge of the rituals, old for a long time remained active in the affairs of the group. The elders held council, on which decisions were made against members of the group, quarrels were settled, determined by the penalty for a misdemeanor committed. Have, that one of the elders enjoyed special respect and his advice and guidance played a crucial role, Even if it was not the head of the group.
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