Creation of the Australian Aborigines

15 February, 2010




Australian Aborigines have been original means of expression, technique of wood carving,Application of ornament on the tree, rocks, land. Less commonly seen drawings on the skin and molding of beeswax. Aborigines in his art reflected the scene of daily life, but the inspiration they got rich in myths, totemic beliefs.

They seem to have experienced reality all events, that is visible by means of associated himself with the spirit world. This perception is as close to their spiritual heroes, phenomena of the natural environment, to which they sought to influence.

Aboriginal art in most cases, it was targeted: It aired the idea of, and not just "taking pictures". When the native reverently the sacred paintings are refreshed, he seems to be reviving his strength and in contact with the mystical world of. Playing the hunt for emu, he tried to influence the results.

Fine art was highly symbolic in form. It did not pass the full similarity with the original, so many designs and drawings seem to be people of other cultures devoid of any sense.

However, it had a hidden meaning, available only on the understanding. Lines and Figures, applied ocher, supposed to increase the actual number of plants and animals. Faded, left unattended without proper drawings could cause termination of the rainy, failure in obtaining food, and even death to call.

The number of objects of different art forms varied in different parts of the continent. In Tasmania There were, apparently, created very little, survived for only a few petroglyphs carved figures and images in the cortex. In drier areas the number even more modest and are not marked by diversity, It's possible, Because, that the local Aborigines constantly wandered in search of food. But here, the natives cut out the drawings on the ground, rocks and bark, decorated with weapons, painted body for funeral ceremonies.

In eastern Australia, rock painting was impressive size of the area. This area is also famous for its carvings on trees, drawings on the ground, satisfied for the initiation ceremony. Finally,, in Northern Australia Art flourished just.

The most expressive art differed on the peninsula Arnlend. Here the natives did not spare the time to decorate ceremonial items, for carving and creating color patterns on the surfaces of rocks and trees, creating a kind of art masterpieces.

Besides, were so-called X-ray images, where, along with the appearance of the animals portrayed their internal organs, as well as highly decorative paintings on bark, often decorated the inside of the huts, using plots of the cult of the area.

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