Language of the Australian Aborigines

15 February, 2010




In the performance and accomplishment of corroboree ritual ceremonies for Aboriginal self-expression using a variety of art forms, than increased emotional performance. The rest of the time people were talking through the normal speech.

The number of spoken languages ​​have been enormous, and amounted to, Probably, six. And they all had a general similarity, except for, perhaps, Tasmanian several languages.

Australian languages have no relationship with vernacular languages of peoples of other continents, and this circumstance, as well as evidence of their ancient origin forced to think, that they occurred on the territory of Australia. They are rich in semantics, that is the semantic meanings of words, as well as vocabulary, particularly in relation to the surrounding world of nature. To understand any of these languages, You must be well aware of lifestyle and mindset of Aboriginals.

Since all existing languages were spoken and no written language, Aboriginal communication outside of their tribe was often difficult. Poslancheskie rods, used for communication between tribes, in fact not carried real information, shown signs, but simply helped identify the Messenger, which had certain powers.

To overcome the language barrier often resorted to sign language, which consisted of many signals and effectively utilized. Sometimes only the fingers, in other cases, facial expressions, Thirdly, the movement of the body. Sign language — the signals could be used for vnutriplemennyh ties with the exchange of sensitive information between team members, as well as for signal hunting. These tools allow to conduct important talks ".

Apply also and another form of communication-smoke signals, That, similar to poslancheskim zhezlam, not transfer real information, and, located in a specific order, reported the location of the camp and were especially useful during hunting. People, not belonging to this tribe, could use them to advertise their presence on the "foreign" territory.

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