Getting Married in Aboriginal Australia
18 February, 2010
Getting Married in contrast to the initiation rites of almost refurnished. Immediately after the birth of a girl is often already had the groom, who chose for her closest male relative. Matchmaking going on certain canons, strictly observed relatives of bride and groom. In anticipation of maturity of the bride, they talked, carrying out the mutual obligations, exchanged gifts.
Often the agreement of the marriage occurred on the basis of the exchange: sister or niece of the groom became the wife of a relative of the bride. The girl began to live in her husband's camp, with the onset of puberty.
If my husband had several wives, Girl shared a house with an older wife.
Featuring practical, natives appreciated the arrival of new wife, because it helped in collecting the farm and during migrations, when I had to carry the equipment and utensils. Woman's life was not easy. She sometimes had to tolerate her husband even physical punishment, Although she could protect themselves apt word, or just give a date. Courage was her destiny, and she endured physical hardship and pain, almost no complaining. In spite of this, her soul was not harden.
Aboriginal women can be just as friendly and generous, like any other. Loving, ready at any moment to protect their children, condescendingly tolerant of her husband, responsive to those in need, especially if they were children. She is, as women, loves to chat, gossip and joke with friends. I am pleased it is over the jeering men and loves to watch the children play. Willing to adorn themselves. But above all, she stoically endures all the hardships of their existence.
It may seem, that Aboriginal marriage is only for the calculation of, and the apparent lack of affection for some of the husbands and wives, custom assignment wife, Polygamy can easily become the object of criticism. But all this is, and other societies. For example, white marriages were not always warm feelings between the spouses and not always stable.
As already noted, Aborigines attached great importance to personal relationships. Their society consisted of various social groups, and position of each member of the strictly regulated. Foreigners have always perceived this system wrong, but the, who tried to understand her, seen, A what, despite the complexity of, it clearly and effectively help manage the social life.
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