‘Australian Airports’

Аэропорт Перта, Perth Airport


Аэропорт Перта (Perth Airport) - The airport for domestic and international flights, Located in the suburb of Guildford, в 20 км. отPerth, staff Western Australia. This fourth of the total passenger traffic airport Australia.

At the airport, two terminals for domestic flights and one for international, the distance between them 11 km. Perth Airport plays a strategic role because of its location - it serves the low cross from Asia, South Africa and Arabia.



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Аэропорт Аделаиды, Adelaide Airport

Аэропорт Аделаиды (Adelaide Airport) - The main airport of Adelaide, State of South Australia. The airport is located in the suburb of West Beach, about 8 km from the city center.

Although the actual owner of the airport is the federal government, его оператор — независимая структура Adelaide Airport Limited (AAL). Adelaide Airport is the fifth largest domestic and sixth place in international passenger traffic in Australia, serving more than 5.8 million passengers a year.

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Аэропорт Голд Кост, Gold Coast Airport

Gold Coast Airport (Coolangatta Airport) - Airport domestic and international traffic in the Gold Coast, located within a hundred kilometers south of Brisbane. Gold Coast Airport is one of the fastest growing airports in Australia, within the airport serves more than 4,3 million passengers and is continuing to increase its capacity further.

On both sides of the runway airport located five suburban districts, band 14/32 passes through the border states of Queensland and New South Wales, that in the summer are in different time zones.

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