Why Australians will not be rushing to Cuba

18 April, 2016



Cuba – This is the most hot place among izezzhennyh tourists far and wide, but Cuba lacks one particular thing, the absence of which the Australians explicitly will not be happy to. So, If that, We warned you ...

Бар Монсеррат на Кубе.

Due to the influx of tourists, Cuba is facing the problem of a shortage of beer, While bars and restaurants of the island thrive. Photo: Arturo Pardavila III / Flickr.

A new kind of crisis unfolds in Cuba, and it is directly to blame for Americans.

More and more citizens of the United States are enjoying their newfound freedom of movement in Cuba, nation in droves seeking to visit the Caribbean island, lately, however, the tourists reduced their activity due to beer.

Thanks to hungry American tourists, to organise a real boom in the Café, restaurants and private saloons, the Cubans are trying by all means to establish mass production beers, favorite locals, such as Crystal and Bukanero.

Since demand exceeds production capacity, Cuban brewery, According to local MEDIA, resorted to drastic measures, to stay afloat.

So, some breweries import beer from the nearby Dominican Republic, a major beer producer in Cuba, Bucanero, as reported, plans to open another factory.



«We must build a new brewery, to meet these needs of the economy», says Maile Gonzalez, marketing specialist of the State News Agency ACN.

Туристы осматривают достопримечательности Старой Гаваны.

Tourists in old Havana. Photo: Laj Jjamil / Getty Images.

Bukanero company produces four of the most popular brands of Cuban beer is itself grade Bukanero, as well as Crystal, Cacique and Mayabe.

As an interim measure, the company hopes to import three million litres of beer brands of the President of the Dominican Republic.

Existing breweries Cuba recently signed contracts for more than 33 million litres to business fairs, to be held in Havana this week, that will compensate for the needs, significantly exceed their current production facilities.

To be fair, in a crisis to blame not just Americans. The flow of tourists to the island was very high before the, as the United States lifted sanctions on travel of its citizens to Cuba.

The author of the text: Lauren Mack Max, translation of the website administration   http://australia-tour.info/

Extension: Why Australians don't go to Cuba? Because, что американцы выпили на Кубе все пиво, Part 2 >>


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