Почему нет туристов в этом тропическом раю (part 3)?

11 Май, 2014


Who doesn't love ruins?

По словам Марилучи Белтран, President of the Venezuelan Association of travel agencies, Venezuela lacks the capital to offer tourist packages and country desperately need to strengthen public-private cooperation in tourism.

«It's all separate here.: Flight, Hotel, excursions», she said.

Gael Leje from the French travel agency «Tukaya», Caracas-based 1996 Year, says, A what «all interested parties should sit down at the table, to coordinate their efforts».

According to the manager, another important issue to rectify the situation is the need to loosen government control over currency exchange, which leads to that, that the value of the U.S. dollar is soaring here on the black market.

«The official course makes it very expensive for foreigners to travel to Venezuela, because rates for hotels and services are calculated on the basis of a parallel course», explained he.



But, how he thinks, The most important and paramount business, that should be decided by the government, is a problem, linked to the country's high crime.

«Perception is more important than reality», when it comes to tourism, сказал он.

The world's biggest shower: Angel falls, Venezuela.

In Margarita, one of the main holiday destinations in the country, several tourists are killed every year at the hands of armed robbers.

Venezuela has highest homicide rate in South America – Almost 55 For every 100.000 person. The government has recognized, that's in 2012 In the country's population 29 millions have been committed over 16000 Murders. And in general, if you close your eyes to it, Venezuela "all good beautiful Marquis".

Previous part: Venezuela is struggling to attract tourists, Despite its natural beauty >>
В начало статьи: Почему нет ни одного посетителя в этом тропическом раю? >>>

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