Beautiful province

22 Апрель, 2015


Марина "Луиза Базин", Квебек.

Views of the Marina and the city of Quebec. Author photo: Yves Teser.

Quebec – the oldest and the largest province in Canada. The Province owns two beautiful port city, and the countryside is rich in forests, rivers and lakes. So it's no surprise, what the Canadians themselves call the "Beautiful Province" of quebec..

The provincial capital is quebec, one of Canada's oldest cities. It is located at the mouth of the famous river St. Lawrence. Its name comes from the word, which in the language of the Algonquin Indians means "the place of narrowing of the river". About 240 kilometres southwest of quebec is located in Montreal, the largest city in the province and the second largest city in Canada.




The first European, who stepped on this earth, was The Frenchman Jacques Cartier. В 1535 year he swam just above the river St. Love In Ntia and landed on the shore of modern Montreal, where there was a village of Indians from the Iroquois tribe. The French began to inhabit these places only through 70 Years. В 1608 The famous navigator Samuel de Champlain founded the city of quebec, the first permanent colony in the region. It was a facInr., where beaver fur was traded, mink and other animals.

Following 150 for years, France and Great Britain fought for quebec and Montreal. In the end, under the Treaty of Paris 1763 this is the territory of Great Britain.

Eight out of ten residents of quebec have French roots, that's why they communicate mainly in French. Only for a few native language is English. Residents of the province profess different religions. Usually French-Canadians belong to Catholics, and Anglo-Canadians to Protestants.

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