Than Sri Lanka different from Bali?

8 May, 2014


Friendly people.

Local kiosks, selling your products.

People are delightful and very friendly. You go through the streets by a number of stalls, and you think, what you will now attack traders, as is usually the case at izezzhennom tourists Bali, but the locals just smile and say hello to you.

No pressure, to buy something off someone. Everyone was so friendly and so accommodating. Delightfully service everywhere, wherever you are. One of my favorite things on the trip, In addition to eating, is the kindness of others.

Snake charmer.


I think, that thing, which surprised me, most of all it was, how much I enjoyed the place and how great this country is in fact. Three weeks was definitely not enough.

Friendly locals.

My sister and her partner, have just returned from Sri Lanka after seven weeks, able to explore in the trip only mountains in the South of the country and the South Coast.




In general I got something, like that – big waves, Admittedly their was not much, so I definitely want to come back here again soon and enjoy surfing in some other areas.

Sri Lanka – It is available.

Enjoy the culture of Sri Lanka.

I would even say, that's definitely cheap. We stayed in a few very good hotels and villas, but for the money it was possible. In terms of accommodation you get what, for what you pay. I suggest you go for yourself., see everything, and all explore on their own.


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