Ho Chi Minh City

30 Январь, 2014


Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam.

The original name of this amazing city – Ho Chi Minh, the date of its foundation is considered to be the end of the XVII century.

This city is one of the main attractions of Vietnam and known for its caliber commercial port. From the very beginning of its history, the town was known as Prey Nokor-, for a long time, then called Saigon. Only in 1976 the cultural and economic centre was renamed Ho Chi Minh City.

The Streets Of Ho Chi Minh City.

The current strength of Ho Chi Minh City is over 7 millions of people. To date, Ho Chi Minh City is rapidly developing, a dynamic and quite noisy city, which is considered the economic capital of Vietnam. Its streets are filled with all sorts of markets, shops, shopping centres, restaurants, café.


It has over three hundred thousand of operating industrial enterprises. It is in Ho Chi Minh City were first erected multi-floor buildings.



A few years ago in the city built an international airport, which is called Tan son Nhut.

Pagoda Vinh-Ngiem, Ho Chi Minh City.

Also, Ho Chi Minh City, you can boldly called the cultural center of the country, in which for centuries formed a unique and historic architecture. During the late 19th – At the beginning of the XX centuries Ho Chi Minh City was the capital of French Indochina. Of the most striking historical sights of Ho Chi Minh City, the famous Vinh Ngiem Pagoda can be distinguished., consisting of seven tiers, as well as the unique temple of Trang Hang Dao, dating from the beginning of the XX century.

Of great interest to tourists is the Bien Soup store, where in the days of the Vietnam war was a conspiratorial Viet Cong headquarters.

Interesting to visit are the Ho Chi Minh municipal theatre, Museum of military history, Aquapark «Saigon Water Park».


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