10 причин, почему Брисбен действительно является удивительным

21 November, 2013


The beautiful city of Brisbane mercilessly "attacked" bolshegolovyj batsman Kevin Pietersen this week. Today, We kinda like defend the honour of the city. The beginning read Here.

Taxi drivers with long socks

A taxi driver from Brisbane.

This guy is the only taxi driver Brisbane, However, the city plans to add another one soon, and, It's possible, the third, to cater to the influx of visitors to the G-20.


Nothing screams in the 21st century so, urban clothing taxi from Brisbane. The truth is the only really weird thing, so hipsters (fans of tight trousers with low waist) It's not been copied.

Hope, that one day German beer at Expo 88 will be returned

This aerial view of Expo was made in 1988 Year.



Everyone knows, What is the best, that ever happened in Brisbane was Expo-88. In addition to this, everyone knows, What's the best, What happened at Expo 88 was a German beer. It is a sign of Supreme confidence in Brisbane, When city leaders deemed it appropriate to hold a happy holiday and there was no longer anything interesting, to entice visitors to come here again for the last 25 Years.


And why do they avoid any tourist infrastructure? Because once, When Brisbane will be quite good and ready, German beer restaurants will be returned (and, Probably, It will be staffed by civil servants dismissed Campbell Newman).

You can see, the beauty of Brisbane that, He's too sure of yourself, others to have tried to do as well as he. And the fact, that nobody has ever heard of him is proof, how this is actually a wonderful city. Or maybe, so I told. I never heard about this place, until I saw a Tweet Kevin Pitersena.


Previous part.

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