Brisbane city and its importance for Australia

21 Сентябрь, 2014


The city of Brisbane in Australia. Photo: Брюс Лонг / Bruce Long.

Industry leading position in the North- East belongs to the mining industry. Main centres there are the Cloncurry, Queensland (copper, Gold and zinc), Mount Isa (polymerases, copper and uranium), Herberton (tin), Charters towers and mount Morgan (Gold and copper).

In the vicinity of g. Ipswich mined coal, a about g. Rum detected oil deposits, of industrial importance. The manufacturing industry is mainly concentrated in large port cities and is represented by the processing of agricultural products..

The largest among them is g. Brisben. Its industrial enterprises mainly produce meat canning., Vegetables, milk and fruit. There are also sugar factories there., rum factories, tobacco factories and wool washers. During the war years, the complex of industrial production facilities was replenished with machine-building plants, chemical enterprises, which produce synthetic fuel, explosives and mineral fertilizers, and a fairly large shipyard was established.. Many of these businesses are owned or English or American companies.



Machine-building enterprises of the city produce special equipment for meat, sugar and mining industry. The food industry is represented by huge meat canneries, oil milling and other enterprises.

Meat is taken out through the port of Rockhampton, wool, sugar and mining raw materials, mainly gold and copper from the Mount Morgan area.

Further north, in the center of one of the important sugar districts, located g. Townsville. Its industry primarily specialized in the production of raw sugar.. A large place is also occupied by the canning of meat., vegetables and fruits. Townsville is not just industrial, but also a major trading city, wool market, milk and meat. Besides, it serves as a weekend port for the export of products of the important mining area of Clone- Curry and Mount Isa.

The western and central regions of the continent occupy a huge, in 4,5 млн. kV. km, Territory, stretched from the western slopes of the Cordillera to the shores of the Australian Indian OK million and Arnhemlend peninsula in the North to the great Australian Bight to the South. This is an economically almost completely undeveloped and even very poorly studied area.. This includes the states of Western Australia, Northern Territory and part of South Australia. The population of the region is less than 1 млн. person, It is concentrated mainly in the extreme southwestern part of the continent.Million

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