City of Newcastle, Newcastle

14 December, 2010


The Australian city of Newcastle (Newcastle), located in the state New South Wales , the city's population 288 thousand people, is the second largest city in the state after the residents of Sydney.

City of Newcastle is located on the shores of the Tasman Sea, in the mouth Hunter River, in 162 kilometers north of Sydney.

The city is the Port of Newcastle, which is the world's leading exporter of coal, with a turnover of 30 million tonnes per year.



In Newcastle, a well-developed iron and steel, shipbuilding, as well as the automotive and chemical industries.

The city has a university, which is great scientific work and is one of the best research universities in Australia, includes five departments: Business and Law, Education, Art, Engineering, construction, Health, Science and Information Technology, with the number of students about 22 thousands.

Newcastle – tourist city, attract tourists to the city great waves, where you can go surfing, every March is held Vodafone Surfest – One of the most important events serfboards Australia.

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