City of Perth, Perth
15 December, 2010
The Australian city of Perth (Perth) Located on the shores of the Indian Ocean Western Australia, the city's population 1,658 million.
City of Perth - the fourth most populous city in Australia after Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane and is the fastest growing large city in Australia. Perth is home to about 75 % total population of Western Australia.
In the city of Perth is a major port on the west coast of Australia, railway junction and international airport.
Perth has a well developed industry, here is the oil refinery, the chemical, textile and food industries, a large cement factory, developed shipbuilding.
City of Perth, it is an important link in the economy across Australia, Nickel is mined, Diamonds, gold. In the area of Perth, vblizi Kalgurli, are the largest on the planet discovered nickel deposits, gold and diamond-bearing area of the Kimberley, which competes on an equal basis with deposits in South Africa and Yakutia.
City of Perth, this is a classic example of a Mediterranean climate, here are moderate, and seasonal rains, summer is generally hot and dry, lasts from December to March, and February - the hottest month.
City of Perth is rightly called "the pearl of Australia", He is very attractive for tourists from many countries, thanks to a magnificent beaches, mild Mediterranean climate, nightclubs, Bars, restaurants and beautiful architecture of the city.
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