Minerals of Australia

13 Февраль, 2010




Australia - the main producer of zinc and lead, which often occur together with silver. The most important area of ​​production of these metals - Mount Isa - Klonkarri in the western Квинсленде, there ore is supplied to enrichment facilities in Mount Ayse and Townsville.

Older, but still significant areas of extraction of these metals - Xian-Dundas in Tasmania (with 1882) and Broken Hill in the west- New South Wales (with 1883). In terms of metal content in 1995-1996 was produced 774 Thd. tons of lead ore. In the same year it was produced 1,3 Million. tons of zinc.

District Mount Isa - Klonkarri is also a hotbed of the most important copper mining. This metal first began to produce in the Capanda - Barr virus in South Australia in 1840. In 1991 were produced in Australia 1,3 Million. tonnes of copper in copper concentrate per.

Australia has become a major producer of nickel after, as the metal was discovered in 1966 in Kambalde, south of the gold-bearing district of Kalgoorlie Western Australia. In 1991 was produced 65,4 Thd. tonnes of nickel.

After the discovery of diamond deposits in the north-east of Western Australia 1979 Australia became a major producer of. Diamond mining at the Argyle mine commenced in 1983, and now he is considered one of the largest in the world.

The majority of mined diamonds have industrial value. In 1995-1996, Australia exported almost 7200 kg of diamonds. Harvest is also a significant amount of opals and sapphires. In the fields of Coober Pedy, Andamuka and Mintabe in South Australia produces most of the precious opals in the world; in New South Wales, there are deposits of Lightning Ridge and White Cliffs. Sapphires are mined near Glen Innes and Inverella in New South Wales and Queensland Anaky.

Australia has for the most part of the world's rutile, zirconium and thorium, contained in the sands along the east coast between the island Stradbrok (Квинсленд) and the town of Byron Bay (New South Wales) and on the coast of Western Australia in Capel. In 1995-1996 were extracted 2,5 Million. tons of sand, containing these minerals.

Mining of manganese ore is much higher than the country's needs, and a large portion of the total production is exported. All the manganese comes from the island of Groote Island in the Gulf of Carpentaria. Australia in the past has been the main supplier of tungsten, and is still a significant part of its production is exported. Tungsten mines are located in the north-east of Tasmania and on King Island.

Also, Australia has 30% the world's reserves of cheap uranium ore. The incumbent Labour government, guided by considerations of safety, restricted the mining of uranium mines in two. Field development Ranger near Jabiru in the Nabarlek Northern Territory started in 1979, and the Olympic Dam deposit in South Australia 1988. In 1995-1996 in the first district was mined 3,2 тыс. т, while the second - 1,85 тысThdThtcoalition government, came to power in 1996, lifted restrictions on uranium mining.

Was obtained government approval to open a mine in the Northern Territory Dzhabiluka and planned exploitation Beverley in South Australia, Although both projects meet opposition from environmental groups.

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