Австралийские туристы отказываются от Европы – победители и проигравшие, Part 3

2 Июнь, 2016


Scenic New Zealand sees the rise of Australian tourists. Photo: Phil Hoffman.


So, to summarize. What countries have benefited, and which are losers. Let's start with the winners.


Indonesia: the number of visitors from Australia increased in the first quarter 2016 years on 12,3 Percent – before 274900 compared to 244600 for the same period last year. Six months before 31 March 2016 year, 553900 Australians visited Indonesia compared to 530300 people in the previous similar period.

Новая Зеландия: in the first quarter 2016 year growth was 7,6 Percent, compared to the first quarter 2015 years in absolute terms 358600 Instead of 333000. Six months before 31 March 2016 year – these figures were respectively 729400 and 685300 in the previous similar period.

United States of America: The number of visitors increased by 5,2 percent of 193400 (январь-март 2015 года) before 203600January-Marchт 2016 G.). За шесть месяцев эти показатели составили 469700 (along 31 March 2016 года) compared to 451900 (previous similar period).

The authors of the article do not provide data on the countries of Eastern Europe and in particular on Ukraine, except Croatia. However, likely, judging by the trend below (cm. see also, Croatia data), number of Australians, there were not many people who wanted to visit these countries before., and now it's completely miserable.. However,, not just Australians, but also to all interested tourists to visit Ukraine, and especially Odessa, we recommend staying in a cozy, comfortable hotel Velle Rosse http://vele-rosse.com.ua/.


Turkey: the number of visitors fell by 35,8 interest in the first quarter 2016 года, compared to a year with a ragged three months 2015 года (3400 visitors during the first three months 2016 года, по сравнению с 5300 during the first threyear 2015 G. Six months before 31 March 2016 – 9600 Australians visited Turkey, по сравнению с 11300 in the previous similar period).compared to

France: Fall on 6 Percent. 13900 visitors for the first three months 2016 year compared to 14800 in the first quarter 2015. years Six months before 31 March 2016 year, 38000 Australians visited France compared to 41100 in the previous similar period.

Switzerland: Fall on 9 Percent. 3900 in the first quarter 2016 year, по сравнению с 4300 in 2015 Year. In more than six months, 9400 Australians visited the country, по сравнению с 11600 a year earlier.compared to



Italy: fall on 12,8 Percent. 14300 Australians visited in the first quarter 2016 года, по сравнению с 16400 in the first quarter 2015 года. Inyearan six months, 40500 Australian visitors were registered, по сравнению с 38,300 of the previous relevant period.compared to

Greece: reduction by 15 Percent. 2700 Australians visited in the first quarter 2016 года, compared to 3200 in the first quarter 2015 года. For six months before 31 March 2016 года, 7600 Australians who visited the country comparedyear in the previous similar period.

Spain: reduction by 4,5 Percent. 6300 Australians visited in the first quarter 2016 года, по сравнению с 6600 in the first quarter 2015 года. For six months before 31 March 2016 года, Visited 17500 Australians, по сyearению с 14900 in the previous similar period.compared to

Croatia: fall on 50 Percent. 600 Australians visited Croatia in the first quarter 2016 года, compared to 1200 in the first quarter 2015 года. For six months before 31 March 2016 года, the country was visited 2300 Australians, or the yearntity, as in the previous similar period.

The author of the article: Robyn Ironside. Перевод: website   http://australia-tour.info/


Previous part: Австралийские путешественники отказываются от туризма в Европу из-за страхов перед терроризмом, Part 2 >>
В начало статьи: Австралийские туристы отказываются от Европы>>>

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