Austria waits

23 Октябрь, 2013


A growing number of skiers on the slopes of Austria sent. Here attract new modern lifts, upgraded road and the famous Austrian hospitality.
In Austria, there is 20 000 hectares of slopes available for skiers and snowboarders.
59% slopes are covered with snow cannons, must provide snow, when Mother Nature is not in a position to give, and the existing thousands ratracs, will constantly ironing route and take care of the slopes, but not interfering with katana.



Resorts have invested heavily in recent years to modernize facilities and construction of new lifts.
Only in Austria has 3003 operating in the season lifts, of which nearly a third of the cable cars and drags are now replaced with modern ski lifts.
But a winter holiday in Austria is much more., than just numbers. A lot more.
To, To understand this you need to come here in the winter. And you're not the only people, in the Austrian Alps.
Last season, the country received a slight increase in the share of the tourism market – compared to 27,9% в 2011/12 the number of tourists increased to 28,2% в 2012/in.
Last winter was 16,7 Million. Guests, Ie. there is an increase of 1,8%.
Good quality and service lines, high quality accommodation, compliance with international standards, When it comes to the ski lifts and snow, and last but not least the wonderful hospitality - these are the main components of the popularity of Austrian ski resorts.
The most popular resort of Sölden is after St Anton. Very popular are also the Ziller Valley (Mayrhofen), Paznaun (Ишгль), Китцбюэль, as well as resorts in Salzburg region - Amada and Saalbach-Hintergleym.

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