Девять секретных мест для посещения в Европе
19 December, 2013
Tired of the usual tourist hotspots?
Forget about the Vatican or the Eiffel Tower, Here are nine fascinating secret States, micro Nations and radical republics hidden in Europe, such that you never, surely, never heard before.
1. Sialend, United Kingdom (pictured above)
If it had been recognized by the United Nations, It would be the smallest country in the world, but it is not so. The Principality of Sialend basically is a rusty platform at sea 10 kilometers from Suffolk, United Kingdom. But this place has an interesting history-its existence began as a strategically located sea fort to protect Britain from German air raids in World War II, and, in fact, Sialend was manned by British troops.
In 1967 former infantry Mayor Roy Bates founded the State, which he was like Prince Roy until he died last year. Sialand / Sealand is releasing their own passports, has its own currency and, with his motto «E Mare Libertas ("from the Sea comes freedom). We are confident, that is a warm place to remain in British history forever.
2. Нейтральный Мореснет / Neutral Moresnet, Belgium
Once fought and argued the once mighty Empire, for a modest piece of land between Belgium (After that, as this land was provinces Liège) and West Germany (Prussian Rhine Province). Then this place became a neutral State in 1816 Year, thanks to the agreement between the powers. Moresnet remained neutral until 1920 year, When Belgium took it back, but his cellular history continued, including after the Earth is declared the world capital of the Esperanto community. Today this territory is part of the province of Liège in Belgium, but you can still see here 50 – 60 border signs.
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