The Moscow Kremlin
25 Июнь, 2014
The Moscow Kremlin is one of the main display- list of sights of Moscow, visiting which can be found with up to eight objects in the Cathedral square: The spasskaya Tower, Archangel Cathedral, Annunciation Cathedral, The Cathedral of the Dormition, Great Kremlin Palace, The Ivan The Great Bell Tower, The Tsar Bell and Tsar Cannon.
Spasskaya Tower is one of the largest of the towers of the Moscow Kremlin. It also hosts Spasskie gates, they are entering the Kremlin, and quite famous clock chimes. Spasskuju Tower was erected in 1491 Year, during the reign of Ivan the third. Architect Pietro Antonio Solari became. During the existence of the Kremlin, Spasskaya Tower is regularly subjected to restoration, But despite this, It still is a hallmark of the Kremlin.
On the square is the Cathedral of the Archangel, built in 1505-1508 at the site of the old wooden church. Inside the Arkhangelsk Cathedral you can see many frescoes of the Moscow Princes, also the famous icon of the Archangel Michael, from the beginning of the fifteenth century.
The assumption Cathedral is another Orthodox Church of the Moscow Kremlin and one of the few buildings, preserved in its original form until the present day. Nowadays, this Cathedral is called the "Patriarchal Cathedral", because the most basic and important masses are held here.
Cathedral of the Annunciation is the third church on the Spasskaya square. Initially after the erection of the 1498 year the Temple had three cupolas, but his view has changed considerably following the fire and reconstruction 1564 Year. The temple is also famous for the fact, that preserves the unique icons famous iconographers of Andrei Rublev and Theophanes the Greek.
The famous Ivan the great Bell Tower is the church-bell tower with thirty-four bells in the Cathedral square. Prior to the eighteenth century, the Bell Tower had the status of the highest buildings in Moscow. This is a prime example of the construction of temples in the style of "under the bells».
The Grand Kremlin Palace was built during the reign of Emperor Nicholas I in 1838-1849 years. Visiting this Palace, Special attention is given to the ceremonial hall Andreevsky recommend, decoration of which performed in the Russo-Byzantine style and designed by the architect Fyodor Grigorievich Sloncevym, as well as interesting to visit St. Andrew's, The Alexander, Catherine and Vladimir staterooms.
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