Recent news of foreign passports in Ukraine

16 August, 2013


Today the people of Ukraine can not go abroad in high season. The number of passports issued has declined considerably in the early summer. A large number of people want to leave the country, but to do so they can not. This is due to the fact, Now that prints documents Printing Plant «Ukraine». From the company's services had to give EDAPS. Ukrainians have suffered and – for that, that officials are unable to perform their duties. Suffered about 11 thousands of Ukrainians, living abroad. And more of those, who during the holidays wanted to visit a new country, So, undermine the rights of the Ukrainian people.

Business for such services is growing. After all, in the first month of summer, prices increased foreign passports and a half to two times. Make a passport in Ukraine becomes more difficult, and travel agencies, want to capitalize on this to the max, offering their services, value was much higher than the standard design of the passport. But many people do not have the possibility to use these services, therefore suffered many.

The situation was similar in 2007 Year. At the time it happened because of the introduction of a passport of a polycarbonate page, She slowed down the process of getting passports for six weeks. Now history repeats itself: a month as Ukrainians can not get a passport at the appointed time, and emergency passports are not taken. Over the course of the 10 working days to become the owner of this document – impossible.

Maxim Stepanov, Director of Works, claims, that the problem will go away soon. He adjusts the best, that every day increases in the volume of forms made. The crisis will leave in mid-August, says Maxim Stepanov, Plant and will work with the new pace in the fast mode.

Oleksandr Sushko, emphasizes the, that the State violated the rights to freedom of movement of Ukrainians. At the present time, Ukrainians are limited in the free movement. But, yet, so far there have been no more than one mass protest, states Victor Tymoshchuk. He explains this, that people come up with understanding the situation. Soon, the situation will improve by the end of August, all the inhabitants of Ukraine, who wishes to obtain a passport will get it at the appointed time.



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