Independent tours of the Netherlands in Den Helder

3 June, 2013


Among the towns of Holland Den Helder occupies a special place: is the northernmost continental city of the country, as well as an important sea port. In order to get to it yourself, should the airline reservation sites checkout flight to Amsterdam, from all provinces of the Netherlands comfortable trains depart.

This city, where he now lives near 60 thousand people, arose during the merger of several neighboring towns. The largest of these was Hesdeynen, however, an important role was played by Helder, next to it in the XVI century, was built several fortifications. Already in the XVII century here was equipped with the base of the Navy Netherlands, value is even more intensified after, how 1820 Here, the North Sea Canal was conducted.

An important strategic center of Den Helder is in our days: still it is a place of accommodation of the Royal Netherlands Navy. At the same time,, This locality is an important tourist center: Here come as residents of the Netherlands, and independent travelers from around the world, which attract both peculiar local attractions, and the picturesque nature of these places, where everything exudes calm and eternity.

It is in this region you can evaluate feat Dutchmen, otvoevavshih every inch of its land from the oceans. Coming here, tourists are given a unique opportunity to climb the majestic work of many generations of dam and own eyes make sure, the territory of the Netherlands lies below sea level.



Next to the embankment lies Fort Kjuden, where is currently a historical Museum, about creating this fortress and its implications for the region. In the halls of the recreated scenes from the life of the garrison in different eras: During Napoleon's invasion, during the first and second world war. In addition to made with frightening precision mannequins here you can see a variety of artifacts and relics: weapons, documents, Awards, personal belongings of soldiers, sailors and officers.

On the internal staircase you can also climb to the top of the Fort, to take a look through bojnicu, where once produced shelling enemy. Striking in its power and harshness and courtyard of the Fort, surrounded by powerful walls. Here you can visit a small aquarium, where, basically, are inhabitants of the North Sea, and in the basement there is a huge whale skeleton.

But the main attraction of Den Helder is the largest in the Netherlands Maritime Museum, which includes multiple exposures. In the old two-story building, whose walls are entirely uvesheny paintings on the marine theme, You can see a lot of models of Brigantine, frigates and other sailing vessels, model of the first steamships and modern liners. Here we collect and numerous rigging and other items: Anchor, marine navigational instruments, steering wheels.

Next to this building is a playground, where exposed to different naval weapons; the central place it occupies in the submarine, who was in the service of the Netherlands armed forces in the 60-ies of the last century. In the submarine can go up, to inspect the devices and equipment, as well as to visit the cockpit and cabins. Branches of the museum is also a minesweeper and armadillo, which stand at the pier; these vessel are also available to visit and inspection.

Tourists, who would like to make a trip to Den Helder in the Netherlands and other cities with the lowest cost, You can advise to do advance design hotels booking online. November month for your suitable housing in May or even June. In this case, significantly increases the probability of finding an attractive room at a low price or take advantage of discounts.

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