Top 10 best places in Europe: Bruges and the Tower of London.

16 Февраль, 2014


Bruges - shops the market square.

3. Bruges, Belgium

This is one of the best-preserved medieval towns in Europe, However, its drawback is that, that every man and his dog knows about it! However,, is to provide a couple of days to visit him in any European route.

Bruges built on canals, It is a history buff's dream and has one of the best medieval squares in the world, complete with bell tower and gothic architecture this enough, to keep the Addams Family happy. Rent a bike and take a ride through the canals in the saddle (Summer), you can skirt the city in about an hour and there are lots of quaint small alleys and cobbled streets, which you can wander and explore, When you get bored to drive along the canals.

Council: There's big crowds in the summer., than at The Beatles concert, so I would recommend visiting Bruges in winter, which has an added bonus in the form of beautiful buildings and canals covered in snow at this time.

4. Tower of London

Could be, it's a small part of me, which still has some hooligan tendencies, when I present myself as a knight, sitting on a smoking battle horse, the leading sea warriors in glorious battle … Ok, I admit, that is not very realistic fantasy, because the only thought enough about medicine, health and religious practice in 12 century, to keep me firmly in 2013 Year. However,, The Tower of London is a fantastic experience for all, who is interested in English or medieval history.

The various museums in the walls and the White Tower are really worth a look, given the historical context and powerful structures. Fun, also look at the world's largest and smallest sets, full plate armor on display. There is even a museum of military armor of giant and dwarf. Awesome!

Council: your pass includes a free tour of one of the well-advertised and fun restaurants, which is absolutely not worth doing.

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