Tours to Breda, Netherlands
1 October, 2013
The Netherlands as a tourist destination has gained popularity relatively recently. Today, many cities in the country are actively developing infrastructure. It's like a smart place to relax., It's a budget. Those wishing to visit the country are offered cheap tours to Amsterdam, provincial capitals and small towns in the outback. The latter choose, Usually, Travellers, satiated with party culture and burlesque-promoted resorts.
The Netherlands leads in the number of tourist gems in the outback province of North Brabant. One of the most interesting cities in the region is Breda. This place is known for its history-rich history, a huge number of diverse attractions, the beauty of architecture, Color. No one will be bored in Brad. Provincial city will be remembered by each something. Some are impressed by the material sights of Breda, others admire her spirituality, Culture.
A fairly large city by Dutch standards is loved by fans of excursion and ecotourism. Breda is located in the picturesque location of North Brabant. The city at the confluence of the water arteries Mark and Aa mesmerizing beauty. The story of Brada goes back to the 10th century. Back then, there was only a small settlement on the site of the city. Total through 100 years it has received the status of a city, has grown significantly and has become the center of the district.
Breda is located in a strategic location. This predetermined the fate of the Dutch city. He's been through a lot of wars.. In its history, the owners have changed more than once. The city in ancient times was ruled by the Romans, then power passed to the British crown. Also, the owners of Breda at one time were representatives of the Nassau House. In the Dutch-Spanish war, the colorful city in North Brabant played a significant role. One of the battles of Breda is even depicted in a painting by Velazquez.
The history of the city is connected with the names of many famous personalities. For example, King Charles II for a long time (to Cromwell's death) was here in exile. Outstanding artists lived and worked in the town in different historical periods, поэты. Today, the works of many of them can be seen in local museums, art galleries. The real work of art is even the streets in Breda. They're neat., aesthetically flawless, Perfectly clean.
Modern Breda - Peaceful, hospitable city. But military traditions are still alive here. It is worth noting, that one of the main attractions of the city is the Academy of armed forces. The building of the institution occupies a historic building near the center. The 14th century building is the architectural dominant of Breda. Academy of view can only be externally. It is closed to the public.
Among the architectural monuments of Breda special interest palace Bouvines. Located on the shores of Lake, He mesmerizing beauty. XVI century palace built out of the ordinary for a Dutch building materials - red sandstone. Complex is surrounded by a gorgeous garden. The latter is divided into two zones. The first resembles a strict English landscape park. The second characteristic of a refined French style, here there are elements of artsy garden decor.
In North Brabant Breda is not only a tourist interest. Other cities are also worthy of attention. Tours to Holland to the northern region, Usually, include Enkhyuyzen, Хорн, Алкмаар, Volendam, Zandvoort, Тексел. Old towns rich in historical monuments. Some sightseeing rest can be combined with a beach. To do this, fit Zandvoort, Texel and island resorts.
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