Australia – the world's leading fireworks show on new year's Eve

2 June, 2014


Новогодние Фейерверки Сиднея.

How thrilling ... At midnight, Fireworks light up the sky over the Opera House, so Sydney welcomed the arrival of a new 2014 year Photo: James Kraucher.

Sydney and Melbourne every year on new year's Eve run kaleidoscope of colorful fireworks, painting of the night sky. Look at this spectacle is estimated to come to 1,5 Million. revelers from around the world.

Fireworks explosion in Sydney organized alongside the legendary Opera House and the Harbour Bridge at midnight, as soon as the world begins to enter into the new year.

More 1 Million. people crowd the Sydney Harbour Foreshore / Sydney Harbour a warm summer night (in Australia, the new year falls in the height of summer), to see the famous annual fireworks show in Sydney. This year, fireworks were launched from four sails of the Sydney Opera House, for the first time in more than ten years.

Pyrotechnic show was also marked by a spectacular illumination on Sydney Harbour, on the eve of this new year.

In 12 hours to midnight show of Red, Gold, Blue and green fireworks in the form of scrolls, wheels and the comets began over the Sydney Harbour Bridge.

Фейерверк в Сиднее.

Excellent views ... New year's Fireworks erupted over the iconic Harbour Bridge in Sydney.



Sydney met 2014 year is synchronized Fireworks around the harbor, including 1000 Fireworks, were running over the sails of the Opera House, as well as the sparkling waterfalls of fire, Cascades floating above the harbor.

In an instant the sky flew up seven tons of colored Fireworks, and it seemed, dark night on the town turned into a bright day.

19-year old Swedish tourist Malin Schumacher, quoth, that sight was worth 10 at midnight-hour of waiting.

«Do you think, What am I kidding, but I almost cried. I was amazed.
We also have fireworks in Sweden, but nothing can compare to this – view, energy, people!»

Фейерверк в Сиднее.

Celebration: Fireworks light up the sky over Sydney Harbour Bridge Horbor bridge at midnight.

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