For Australians with low earnings United Kingdom will introduce new visa rules

26 Январь, 2016


Australians celebrated the event in the Volkjebaut pub in Shepherd's Bush area, in London.

All now changes to a large number of Australians, hoping to settle in Britain in the long term.

A spokesperson for Australia's Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade said, that Australia has accepted «the introduction made to her» of the British government on changes to its migration system.

«Our Department celebrates, that the introduction of further restrictions on obtaining a Tier visa 2 (which includes the £ rule 35,000) creates a database, which will adversely affect the commercial interests of business and investors in both countries, and therefore, and the economic interests of Australia and the Uk, and can affect the deterioration of relations between people», the spokesperson said..

The British Parliament has been filed against the introduction of changes and it has already received more than 75000 подписей. If this figure will reach 100000 подписей, you will be deesignaturesissue needed to be discussed in Parliament.



The petition alleges, that the change in visa laws «unfairly discriminates against charitable workers, nurses, students and others.»

The report of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and trade of Australia, made in December, said, that changes in the UK working holiday visas may cause «structural deterioration of official relations between the two countries».

In a copy of the report, said, that of 100 Australian enterprises, working in the UK, two-thirds said, that changes in visa regulations will directly «affect their ability and willingness to take on the work of the Australians».

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