‘Immigration to Australia, Эмиграция из Австралии’

Awkward questions immigration officers


History, podslushannye in queues at immigration control ...



Picture this: You stand in line for passport control after a long grueling flight, You can barely keep your eyes open, and suddenly the employee asks you an unexpected question. Read the rest of this entry »

This is also interesting:



For Australians with low earnings United Kingdom will introduce new visa rules

Australians celebrated the event in the Volkjebaut pub in Shepherd's Bush area, in London.

All now changes to a large number of Australians, hoping to settle in Britain in the long term. Read the rest of this entry »

Whether destined to come true dreams Australian migrating?

You Aussie? NEA. The new changes of the visa law will take effect in April.

Looks like, dreams of many Australians, willing to relocate to live in Britain will soon become impossible. In April, they will have to face new visa rules. Read the rest of this entry »

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