List of popular professions in Australia

13 July, 2010


Списoк вoстрeбoвaнныx спeциaльнoстeй в Aвстрaлии1 July was ofitsialno obyavlen and opublikovan for vseobschego obozreniya and ispolzovaniya Firmware naznacheniyu nA ofitsialnom veb-sayte ministerstva Firmware immigratsii and voprostsam grazhdanstva Avstralii (DIAC) noveyshy SOLspisok osobo vostrebovannyx spetsialnostey Avstralii. Danny dokument nA sto percent of consumption zamenil soboy ranee izvestnuyu formu 1121i (Form 1121i).

Novye SOL prednaznachen for zayaviteley Firmware sleduyuschim kategoriyam immigratsionnyx programm:



  • Nezavisimaya professionalnaya immigratsiya

  • Professionalnaya immigratsiya CO sponsorstvom rabotodatelya

Итoгo, nA danny moment suschestvuet HE SOL Shout for vsex veroyatnyx immigrantov in Avstraliyu, a sxodu neskolko for raznyx tipov immigratsionnyx programm:

  • General Skilled Migration Occupation List (SOL)

  • General Skilled Migration Occupation List for SIR

  • Employer Nomination Scheme Occupation LIst (ENSOL)

Perechen vostrebovannyx spetsialnostey - Nazavisimaya prof immigratsiya

Zayaviteli Firmware programke nezavisimoy professionalnoy immigratsii dolzhny imet podtverzhdennuyu spetsialnost of spiska vostrebovannyx spetsialnostey - SOL - IT'S pravilo bylo, Apartment belongs and poka chto tochno budet samym glavnym and samym pervym in tsepochke shagov, kotorye chelovek dolzhen reshat with popytke immigratsii in Avstraliyu. Ezheli a vas vostrebovannaya spetsialnost - mozhno dvigatsya and think dalshe. * If the net vashey spetsialnosti in dannom perechne - IT'S HOW TO DO NOT have dosadno zvuchalo, have libo poluchat noveyshuyu, libo iskat drugie varianty mest dislokatsii.

Itak, smotrim, chitaem and ischem svoyu spetsialnost in novom spiske osobo vostrebovannyx spetsialnostey in Avstralii:

Perechen vostrebovannyx spetsialnostey - Professionalnaya immigratsiya CO sponsorstvom rabotodatelya

Ezheli zayavitel podaet dokumenty nA immigratsionnuyu visa Firmware programme Professionalnoy immigratsii, спoнсируeмoй рaбoтoдaтeлeм (Employer Nomination Scheme), verily OH dolzhen be adopted nA rabotu Avstraliyskim rabotodatelem and zanimat dolzhnost and rabotat Firmware spetsialnosti of spiska vostrebovannyx spetsialnostey Avstralii for sponsiruemoy immigratsii prof - ENSOL.

In principle, keep in mind, that the proof of his own specialty in particular organizations, dealing with evidence of specialties, necessary before applying for an immigrant visa to Australia.

The list of organizations supporting the specialty for immigration to Australia

Need to directly contact with the supporting organization for the certification. These organizations provide all information and documents suitable, associated with evidence of a degree. Each organization their prices on these services.

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