‘History of Australia’

Gold Rush of Australia 1850




The discovery of gold in New South Wales in 1851 changed the course of Australian history. Brought gold from the squatter area in Bathurst Sydney, Hundreds of miners and soon went in search of gold nuggets and placer.

It turned, that the richest gold deposits in Victoria. Gold deposits so strongly attracted many people from the cities and rural areas of Victoria and New South Wales, that all other activities began to experience severe labor shortages.

In the search for gold and streamed immigrants from other countries, thereby increasing the population of Australia 400 тыс. в 1850 before 114Thdсinв 1860.

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The Australian Constitution and an independent class of farmers

Convinced, that a more liberal constitution is successfully operating in Canada, English Parliament in the 1850 Bill released to the Australian colonies; Colonial authorities were allowed with the consent of the British government to work out for itself a new constitution.

To 1856 worked out the constitution New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania and South Australia. The new bicameral legislatures of the colonies have the right to the royal lands, and could form a government modeled on the British and Canadian.

Квинсленд, open to free settlement after the termination of deportation of convicts to New South Wales 1840, was organized as a separate colony in 1859. Western Australia, Founded in 1829 and rarely populated, did not have a representative bodies until 1870 and had no government to 1890.

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The Labour Movement 1890, the emergence of trade unions

Professional organizations in Australia have the 1850s, when the Association of Builders began agitating for an 8-hour day. However, unions began to exert great influence on the policy after 1890. By this time the miners, Sailors, dockers and sheep shearer were united in unions. After unsuccessful strikes 1890-1892 strengthened the advocates of political action. At this time the Labour Party was formed.

Working movement of 1890-1930s advocated immigration restriction, especially from Asia and Pacific Islands; the termination of activity of enterprises with sweatshops; the introduction of systems for the control of wages and arbitration; old-age pensions.

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