Guide to indigenous Australia: "Welcome to country", ч4
7 February, 2019
In Australia is still a large number of Aboriginal languages.
Unfortunately, many of the more than 250 Australian indigenous languages were lost, nevertheless, so far there is still 120 Languages, spoken by the aborigines.
A what, According to Aboriginal happens after death
Many aborigines, what such primordial spiritual beings, as "old people", invisibly present in the world around us. But they have there are many different preconceptions about how, What happens with people, When they die. For example, residents of Jolnu in the North-East of Arnhem hold funeral ceremony, to send the spirit of the people on the island of the dead.
"Aboriginal people believe in the spiritual world, and not in the afterlife», – said Professor Langton.
Namarali – This is the spirit of Trekking, cloud and rain spirit, that belongs to the Vorura tribe. He is pictured with his wife Dzharlarlojn in a painting by Robin Mungulu. Photo: Aboriginal cultural center Movanzhum
Why a guide to the Aboriginal places of residence is called "Welcome to country"?
According to the book of Langton, aborigines believed, that spiritual beings, that played a role in the creation of the world during Dreams, were sources of great power, which sometimes can be dangerous.
Indigenous peoples believe, that the past can resonate in certain places, So, When visitors enter their land, indigenous owners spend on smoking rituals or the consecration of water, to ensure safe passage.
Many tourists are accustomed to watching the ceremony smoking, but other rituals can include spraying water on visitors or powdering sweat from the face of the older group.
It is very important to watch, to tourists nothing happened
Aboriginal people very upset, If people are injured or become ill while visiting their land, because they feel responsible for them. They may believe, what they have not done their job, to appease the spirits of the earth around its visitors.
Partly so they do not like, When people climb Uluru. At least 37 people have died while climbing Mount with 1958 year.
The author traveled as a guest within the cultural programme of the cruise on Aboriginal homes called "Warrior Tribe».
В начало статьи: Interesting myths and facts, that you didn't know about Australia
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