23 Январь, 2011
Kangaroo (Macropus) - Kind of marsupial mammals of the family dwelling kangaroo in Australia.
Kangaroos have powerful hind legs, massive tail, narrow shoulders, Small, similar to human hands, forepaws, kangaroos which dig up the tubers and roots. Kangaroo takes all the weight on the tail, and then both hind legs, freed, a single movement from top to bottom causing terrible wounds to the enemy. Starting with powerful hind legs, they rush to the jumps 12 m in length and up to 3 m in height. Body weight up to a kangaroo 80 kg.
For kangaroos, as for other marsupials, characterized by a very short pregnancy, lasts about a month. Even the largest kangaroo baby weighs at birth is less than 1 gram.
Newborn large forelimbs and small rear. He creeps into their own mother's pouch, She helps him, licking the "way" in his hair right in the bag, where the cub crouches mouth to one of four teats. At first, hanging on the nipple, Milk stands in his mouth much muscle action. If at this time, he accidentally breaks away from the nipple, you can die from hunger. A few months later he began a short time to get out of the bag. After that, as a kangaroo permanently leaves the pouch (under the age of 1 years after birth), the mother continues to care for him for several months. Kangaroos can produce four types of milk, depending on the age of kangaroo. Each type of milk produced in my nipple. Besides, it can be two types of milk simultaneously, if she has cubs of different ages.
Features a kangaroo:
1. The presence of marsupial bones (specific pelvic bones, are developed and in females, and males). The temperature of the body - 34-36.5 ° C. Do kangaroos have a pouch for carrying young, it opens next to the head, like a pocket apron.
2. The special structure of the mandible, lower ends which are bent inwards. They have no fangs, or primitive, and the molars with blunt tubercles.
3. Kangaroos are born only a few weeks after conception, with a kangaroo-mother sits in a pose, put his tail between his legs, a cub (size at this point is less than the little finger) creeps into her bag, finds a nipple and sticks to it, feeding on milk.
4. The immune system of a newborn kangaroo is not formed, so Kangaroo milk has a strong antibacterial effect.
5. Bag in male kangaroo is not, but only in females.
6. Kangaroos move long jumps.
Classification of kangaroo:
Род Macropus
Подрод Notamacropus
Agile wallaby (Macropus agilis), or agile kangaroo
Chernopolosy wallabies (Macropus dorsalis), or striped kangaroo
Philander Eugene (Macropus eugenii), or kangaroo lady, or kangaroo Derby, or tamnar
Gray Kangaroo (Macropus greyii)
Glove wallabies (Macropus irma)
Asiatic black Philander (Macropus parma)
Macropus parryi
Reddish-gray wallaby (Macropus rufogriseus)
Подрод Osphranter
Kangaroo-Antelope (Macropus antilopinus)
Kangaroo Bernard (Bernard Macropus)
Mountain kangaroos (Macropus robustus)
Red kangaroos (Macropus rufus)
Macropus titan
Macropus pearsoni
Подрод Macropus
The Western Grey Kangaroo (Macropus fuliginosus)
Grey Kangaroo (Macropus giganteus)
Giant kangaroos are three types of. Grey Kangaroo, the biggest of the whole family, can reach a length of three meters. They like to live in wooded areas, for which it got its other name - forest. They are very friendly and trusting of their neighbors.
Brown, or steppe, Kangaroo is slightly inferior to their brethren in the gray scale, But Indigenous Australians love to talk, males that had met up three-quarters of a meter. Besides, red kangaroos more graceful. This is the most common type of, They are found even in the suburbs of large cities, and "kenguriny" box it has no equal.
The smallest of the giant kangaroo - the mountain, or vallaru. They are more massive, and the legs are shorter than, than their relatives. Their existence was confirmed only in 1832 Year, because these kangaroos live in remote mountain areas, and their number is small. These kangaroos are not easily tamed.
The word "kangaroo" is derived from «kanguroo» or «gangurru» - the name of this animal to guugu yimidhirrskom-language Australian Aborigines (Language family Pama-nyungskoy), James Cook heard from the natives during his landing on the north-east coast of Australia 1770 Year.
Widespread myth, under which the James Cook, Arriving in Australia, asked one of the natives with the question of what he saw his pet name, however, the, Cook did not understand speech, answered in their native language: "I do not understand". As the myth, this phrase, which, allegedly, sounds like a "kangaroo", Cook and took the name of the animal. Groundlessness of this myth is confirmed by modern linguistic research.
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