‘Animals Australia’

Hobotnogolovy couscous or Possum, honey badger


Hobotnogolovy couscous or Possum, honey badger (Rostratus Tarsipes или Tarsipes spenserae) – marsupial mammal of the order dvureztsovyh, this is the only kind of family. Possum, honey badger lives in the south-western coastal regions Zap. Australia.

Possum, honey badger is adapted to feeding on pollen and nectar of flowers, his face is stretched in the proboscis, which is approximately 2/3 length of the head, and language, covered with long and thin with long setiform papillae and may protrude from the mouth to the 2,5 centimeters. Language-possum represents a kind of honey badger brush to collect pollen, and an elongated snout is tube to suck the nectar.



Possum, honey badger is very small creature, its size is less than the mouse: body length 7-8 сантиметра, length of the tail – 9-10 саcentimeterssum, and weighs just honey badger 13-17 G.

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Cuscus (Phalanger) – kind of marsupial family Possum (Phalangeridae), live in the Moluccas, Timor, Sulawesi, in New Guinea, the Solomon Islands and Cape York Peninsula in northern Australia.

Couscous are mostly arboreal lifestyle, lodge in the woods and shrub thickets, with infrequent down to earth.

Couscous is quite large animals, body length ranges from 24 до 65 сантиметров, and the length of the tail- 24 до 60 санCentimetersht reaches of the 1 до 7 pounds.before

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Wallaby (Macropodidae) – group of species of marsupial mammals of the family of kangaroo, however, smaller than a kangaroo, living in Australia, Tasmania, New Guinea and Bismarck archipelagos.
Wallabies live in the thickets of bushes and forests, but can occur in open spaces and in the steppes.

Wallaby – not a single biological group, a set of species, consisting of a number of genera, belonging to the family of kangaroo.

In the middle of ordinary (giant) kangaroo (род Macropus) There are around 8 species of wallaby. Reddish-gray wallaby (Macropus rufogriseus) nimble and wallabies (Macropus agilis), because of the large size and overall similarity, often equate to the ordinary kangaroos and vallaru.

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