Marsupial Mouse

7 January, 2011


Marsupial Mouse (Antechinus) - Kind of a family of carnivorous mammals, marsupials, live in Australia,the ostrove Tasmania, as well as on the island of New Guinea.

Marsupial mice are small, body length of 80 before 120 mm, weight - 16-170, the, hair short and rather rough,color from gray to dark brown.

Usually, marsupial mice live in eucalypt forests, feed on insects and small vertebrates. Marsupial Mouse, terrestrial animals, but some species can climb trees.



The genus of marsupial mice released ten species:

* Antechinus adustus lives in the northern part of the Australian state Квинсленд.
* Antechinus agilis обитает в австралийских штатах Victoria and southern New South Wales.
* Pyatnistoglazaya marsupial mouse (Antechinus bellus) lives in Northern Territory.
* Yellow marsupial mouse (Antechinus flavipes) - Cape York Peninsula, Victoria, South Australia, south-western part of the Western Australia.
* Marsupial mouse Godement (Antechinus godmani) — Квинсленд.
* Antechinus leo - полуостров Кейп-Йорк.
* A small marsupial mouse (Antechinus minimus) — the island of Tasmania.
* Brown marsupial mouse (Antechinus stuartii) - Lives in New South Wales.
* Antechinus subtropicus — обитает в subtropical zone east coast of Australia.
* Marsupial mouse Svaynsona (Antechinus swainsonii) - The island of Tasmania.

At the end of the XX century, from the kind of Antechinus stuartii were divided into three distinct species of marsupial mice, which were previously considered subspecies of its: Antechinus agilis, Antechinus subtropicus, Antechinus adustus.

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