‘Climate of Australia’

Torrid zone




Тропический поясIn the tropical belt on the Australian continent formed by two main types of climate: tropical wet and tropical dry. The tropical humid climate is typical of extreme eastern part of Australia, which is included in the zone of south-eastern trade winds. These winds bring with them to the mainland with moisture saturated air masses from the Pacific Ocean. Therefore, the entire area of ​​the coastal plains and the eastern slopes of the Great Dividing Range are well hydrated (an average fall of 1000 before 1500 mm of rainfall) and has a mild warm climate (temperature of the warmest month Sydney - 22-25 ° C, and the coldest - 11,5-13 ° C). Air mass, bringing moisture from the Pacific Ocean, penetrate to the Great Dividing Range, lost on the way a significant amount of moisture, therefore, only the rainfall on the western slopes of the ridge and in the foothills.

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Subequatorial belt

Субэкваториальный поясSubequatorial climate, characteristic of the northern and north-eastern Australia.

Subequatorial climate different cold temperature (during the year, the average air temperature 23-24 ° C) and high rainfall (from 1000 before 1500 mm, and sometimes more 2000 Mm.).

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Subtropical Zone

Субэкваториальный климат  АвстралииWithin the subtropical zone there are three types of climate: Mediterranean, subtropical humid continental and subtropical.

The Mediterranean climate is characteristic of the south-western Australia, climate of this part of the mainland climate is similar to the European Mediterranean countries - Spain and Southern France. Summers are hot and, Usually, dry, and winter is warm and humid. Relatively small changes in temperature at the time of the year (January - 23-27 °C, June - 12-14 ° C), sufficient rainfall (from 600 before 1000 mm).

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