Chemical processes in stars proihodjashhie

7 July, 2019


Stars exist in a State of tense equilibrium. Gravity compresses the, heating, While hydrogen atoms do not overcome the electromagnetic repulsion between them and not merge together, creating helium atoms. When this energy is allocated, which holds a star in equilibrium.

When the hydrogen ends, external pressure disappears, the center of gravity moves up, and the structure of the star changes dramatically. Core quickly collapses, throwing down shell of hydrogen and helium. When compression core temperature rises to 100 millions of degrees Celsius, and the process starts again synthesis. Helium nuclei in such temperatures can overcome their mutual electromagnetic repulsion and wander close enough to each other, to melt, then the star will begin to burn helium.

This transition from hydrogen burning to gelievomu has two profound implications.



Firstly, released enough energy, to stop the destruction of the star, so star stabilizes and quickly swells. At this point begins the life of the red giant.

Secondly, melting of existing elements in the kernel is of great importance to life.

Extension: Chemical processes at the death of stars, Ch. 2

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