«Брачный налог» or why do you pay for a wedding more, than the day of birth
20 Июль, 2015
This day should be the happiest in your life, However, sums, that you have to pay for hosting your wedding celebrations, It's possible, simply destroy all your dreams.
Whether it's flowers, cake, DJ or place, where will mark the celebration-all will cost almost three times more expensive, than usual, as soon as you say the word "wedding".
In recent studies on this subject was revealed the magnitude of the so-called «wedding tax» in Australia, in monetary terms,, And she is, likely, will create fear in the hearts of those, who is going to organize your wedding.
Special «tax» may eventually add thousands of dollars, and the event will cost on average $ 36,200-54,000.
Popular Australian website "choice" (www.choice.com.au) recently conducted a test, which compared prices: two buyer called same service providers, and asked to name a price for events with the same requirements and the number of guests. The difference was only, that one of the events was to be a wedding, and another 40-year anniversary birthday. The results were astounding..
So, For example, car rental in one hour will cost for the wedding $ 1000, but the same car on the same day for the 40th anniversary will cost $ 450. Photographer for a 2 hour job at get-together, dedicated to the day of birth required $ 1400, and $ 4000 for a wedding.
Internet Edition of the interviewed couples said the same thing. «If you call your floral artist, and tell, what you want to order 20 bunches of flowers, They typically can cost $ 50 or $ 60, But if you say, that it is for a wedding, the prices will shoot up automatically to $ 100, $ 120″, said one of the brides, participating in the test program.
Another said, She was named for the sum of $ 800 for the cake, but when her fiance called there and didn't say, what you need for your wedding cake, He called the price $ 350.
Extension: Почему вы заплатите больше, как только произнесете слово «Свадьба» >>
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