Australian Capital Territory
28 April, 2010
Австралийская столичная территория (Australian Capital Territory, ACT) - The territory in the Commonwealth, including the City Канберру, as well as a small agricultural area and National Park Namadzhi. The area - 2358 km. population 339,9 Thd. person. The area was originally known as the Federal Capital Territory, but 1938 was officially renamed the Australian Capital Territory.
The new draft Capital Territory emerged in the late XIX century, in the formation of the Commonwealth of Australia. In 1901 was signed by the Australian Constitution, according to which New South Wales was to convey a small parcel of land in the south of the state of the new federal government. A place for the future capital was chosen as a neutral position between the two largest cities in Australia - Sydney and Melbourne, pretend to be the capital. Territory was transferred to the State 1911, and in 1913 the construction of Канберры.
The Federal Government has officially moved from Melbourne to Canberra in May 1927 year. The first time, some divisions and departments continued to remain in Melbourne, but later were gradually moved to the new capital.
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