The ban on tanning in Australia

12 Январь, 2011


In the Australian state New South Wales , people under 30 years will not be allowed to use the solarium at risk of cancer. Minister of State New South Wales on cancer, said that the ban will take effect from April for youth to 25 лет, and from August – before 30 лYearsurrently sunroom already prohibited for people under 18 years and for people with a specific type of skin Photo Type 2, very easily suffer «combustion» in the sun.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer in the solarium on the dangers posed to the level of smoking, so every year in Australia there are nearly 430 thousands of cases of skin cancer.



In Australia, at the moment, percentage of diseases of skin cancer in the world's largest. From the most dangerous of its kind – Melanoma, Australia, annually kills about 1200 person, and from other types of skin cancer - about 400.

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