‘Good to know’

How to save the budget for a family vacation, part 2




This is a continuation of the article with a series of simple tips on how to, What is rather crafty ways to save family budget with planning and organizing a family holiday travel. Read the rest of this entry »

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How to save money on family vacations

Женщина, экономит деньги в копилку.Going on a family vacation should not be given too great a strain on the budget – especially, If you contact us for tips on saving!  you'll be surprised, how much money you could save, If all plan ahead and spend their study. Read the rest of this entry »

Путешественники, которые получают авиабилеты с неправильным собственным именем, теряют миллиарды

"Oh no, I can't believe, that I recorded my name incorrectly."

According to the latest data from major European airline ticket site tix.nl, Statistics, One of the 100 people get the wrong spelling of his surname, or name when ordering international air ticket, that leads to the loss of billions worldwide. With three billion passengers of international airlines in the year, one percent errors, leads to loss of equal amount 4,5 billion globally. Read the rest of this entry »

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