The secrets of flight attendants: How to protect yourself and your baggage in travel
2 Декабрь, 2013
Never say that, where you left off, While you are on board an aircraft, and don't forget to leave your tv on, When you leave this room.
We present you several tips, you need to know, about Tom, How to protect yourself from unpleasant cases, that can happen to you hotel while traveling, in accordance with the recommendations of the flight attendant Sara size you prefer, set out in its article, the newspaper the Huffington Post / Huffington Post».
Well, who can know about the hotels more, than that, who is constantly in motion?
Here are the top secrets of Sarah size you prefer, How to secure your accommodation:
1. Fasten your tongue to the zipper.
Never say that, where is the place of your stay on the plane or at the airport – especially, If you are travelling alone. You don't know, who can you overhear. It is just as important, When you arrive at the hotel – do not allow others to see my room. If you are travelling with others, then write it on a piece of paper and give it to them.
2. Use with the use of excess baggage.
When you arrive in your room, use your bags, to be able to support the door open and look inside, before it closes. Nothing of the kind has happened to me, but I know, flight attendants, who have encountered strangers in their rooms.
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