Barack Obama offered support in the search for the missing aircraft MH370

27 Апрель, 2014


United States President Barack Obama (second from right) and the King of Malaysia, Abdel Halim Mu'adzam Shah (on the left) during the ceremony, greeting American leader at the State luncheon in Kuala Lumpur. Photo: AFP.

The United States President Barack Obama Saturday arrived in Malaysia – his third place stop in a week-long trip to Asia.

Barack Obama offered to help Malaysia in solving the mystery of the missing plane MH370.

Hissamuddin Transport Minister Hussein, who heads the efforts of Malaysia, by definition, the fate of the passenger aircraft, had a brief conversation Saturday with Obama after the arrival of the President of the United States for an official visit.

«He said,, that knows, how hard it is, and what we should expect a long road. We will work together and that he is always ready to support», Hissamuddin said.

«I am very happy to hear (This is), because we have a long way to go».

Short conversation took place during the welcoming ceremony at the square in front of Parliament in Kuala Lumpur, where Obama met with Prime Minister Najib Razak.

Malaysia is the third stop during the Asian tour, Obama, who has already visited Japan and South Korea. Then on Monday he will travel to the Philippines.



Beijing-bound airplane company Malaysia Airlines with 239 people on Board went missing shortly after takeoff in Kuala Lumpur 8 March.

Based on an analysis of satellite data, How to believe, the aircraft veered violently off course and crashed in a remote area of the southern Indian Ocean..

But a multi-week search for wreckage, including two deep scanning using a submersible device hydrolocation United States NAVY – yielded no results.

Autonomous underwater vehicle Phoenix Artemis has scanned the southern part of the Indian Ocean in search of the missing side MH370. Photo: AFP.

Participating in the search for troops from several countries, led by Australia and including United States stated, that long, expensive and complicated search of aircraft.

It is to be hoped, that restore data flight recorders of the plane, If they are found, to clarify the fate of the aircraft, While the lack of responses leaves many families of missing passengers in despair due to the impossibility to achieve clarity in understanding what happened.

Toowoomba Australian Navy warship sent to search in the Indian Ocean.

Malaysian authorities and national airline have been criticized for the unexplained loss of the aircraft and were accused of concealing the investigation.


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