Two Australian Hotel proved to be among the best hotels «Lonely Planet»

1 Март, 2014


Gandl He Lodge / Cradle Mountain Lodge offers luxury in the desert.

For the first time in the history of the collection «Lonely Planet» two Australian tourist spots received awards «10 best» the best places in the world to stay.

Sydney Harbour Jha / Sydney Harbour YHA snared top hotels, finishing second place in the list of "best travel guide», but Peper Gandl He Lodge / Cradle Mountain Lodge Tasmania finished fifth in the category «Extraordinary».

Lonely Planet Authors / Lonely Planet», made fetching worldwide on the nomination of the holiday destinations in three categories, a group of experts selected the winners.

As a result, the list of best hotels takes as luxury accommodations from the United Arab Emirates, and housing from Bulgaria and Ukraine from budget, but qualitative properties.



In the category of extraordinary places to rest three hotels were led by Mihir Gar, Rajasthan, India; Планета Баобаб, Гвета, Botswana and Prendiparte (B) & B, Болонья, Italy.

Peper Said Grandl Lodge proved to be in the top 5, right behind Qasr al Sarab, U.A.E.
Peper Said Grandl Lodge

The journalist Anita Isalka said, that Peppers Cradle Mountain Lodge «immerse you in the heart of the desert of Tasmania, and you'll live a life of luxury, that is perceived as something organic, that surrounds you».

«Wildlife is best seen from the outdoor Jacuzzi. Don't get me wrong, I was happy to make long hikes in the National Park and I also enjoyed the experience of dramatic weather events in the mountains Grandl. But Kaif observe the echidnas and Kangaroo from the gentle waters of the private hot tub is hard to forget».

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