The world's best Islands, по данным TripAdvisor

26 Февраль, 2014


Ambergris Caye, Belize.

Dreaming about escaping to a paradise island right now?

It's time to go abroad! Despite that, that they are well known as a paradise for beach lovers, Neither island is not included in the list of the world's best by travel website TripAdvisor, in its second annual edition called the world's best Island Awards.

While the pristine white beaches and stunning turquoise waters of Ambergris Belize placed it at the top of the list, two islands in the South Pacific Ocean, also hit the tops list: Bora Bora and Aitutaki.

Norfolk Island and Kangaroo Island were included in a separate list of 10 of the best islands in the South Pacific.

«Остров Кенгуру, as acknowledged in the Travelers' Choice Awards is a clear sign that, that people going to the island, want to have an unforgettable experience and then many of them want to share it with the rest of the world on the Internet», said the Chief Executive Officer of the South Australian Tourism Commission, Rodney Harrex.
«This is due to the extraordinary beauty of the island, as well as staff, and the people who live on it».

So, Here is a list of winners.



Top 10 best Islands in the world:

1. Ambergris Caye, Belize (pictured above)
2. Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands
3. Бора-Бора, French Polynesia
4. Marco Island, Florida
5. Lewis and Harris, Scotland
6. Naxos Chora, Greece
7. Aitutaki, Cook Islands
8. Nosy-Be, Madagascar
9. Easter Island, Chile
10. Koh Tao, Thailand

Top 10 Islands in the South Pacific:

1. Бора-Бора, French Polynesia
2. Aitutaki, Cook Islands
3. Moorea, French Polynesia
4. Efate, Vanuatu
5. Rarotonga, Cook Islands
6. The Island Of Waiheke Island, Новая Зеландия
7. Norfolk Island, Australia
8. Taveuni Island, Фиджи

9. Остров Кенгуру, Australia

Остров Кенгуру. Photo: Tripadvisor.

10. Espírito Santo, Vanuatu


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