City plan with legs, which can be moved around the world

6 November, 2013


"A very large structure". Photo: Manuel Dominguez, Зулоарк / Zuloark

Imagine that you have the opportunity to travel the world, even without leaving home? Sounds too good, to be true?


But not for someone who lives here …

Recently, a contest was announced to draft a nomadic town with legs, which has the ability to move, to change your location and the surrounding landscape.

To change the deployment, it was suggested that the caterpillars, similar to those, used for tanks. It is also convenient, When residents should move into areas, where there are more opportunities for job search.

It can travel the world. Photo: Manuel Dominguez, Zuloark

«Very large structure» was developed by a student at the Architectural Institute in Madrid Manuel Dominguez.
The city will include, as it should be – Restaurants, Hospital, universities and sports facilities.




The concept of moving the town was offered for the first time no longer. In 1960 year, the architect of Britain's Ron Herron came up with the concept of «city walks», where huge structural robot could also travel worldwide.

It will include restaurants and sports facilities. Photo: Manuel Dominguez, Zuloark

However,, a very big structure will include and sources of clean energy, such as solar panels and wind turbines.


Well, in the meantime, automotive city is not built for movement in the world will have to use traditional forms of transport-aviation, railways, Road and water transport.


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