Why do Australians – most «formidable» guests of the hotel?

16 Декабрь, 2013


Some guests are able to steal even batteries from the remote control!

Guests admit stealing items from rooms.

If it is in a hotel room, so it's a souvenir, isn't it?

According to some Australians, you can take everything from the hotel., whatever you want. From towels to remote control batteries, Can you believe it, that only guests do not steal from hotels.

In a new triaAdvisor poll / TripAdvisor two-thirds of holiday Australians admitted that, that they stole an item from the rooms..

International survey more than 19 000 guests and 10 thousands of hoteliers showed, that accessories taken from hotel rooms, Were, absolutely, the most popular "souvenirs".



Forty-five percent of the surveyed tourists admitted to theft, While 32 percent of hotels reported their losses.

Tea and coffee were taken 22 percentage of respondents, and then, in second place in terms of "souvenirs" were stationery, which he borrowed 21 Percentage of guests.

More expensive items, such as towels, were reported missing hotels (25 процентов) горазд�percent чем людьми, которые призналась в их краже (7 пPercent, чем людьми, которые призналась в их краже (7 процентов).

Similar discrepancies have occurred for clothes hangers., who are missing 10 percent of hoteliers, but allegedly stolen only accepted 2 percentage of tourists.

Even the batteries from the remote control were not left without attention, 7 percent of the surveyed guests confessed to their theft. Ashtrays and light bulbs were also not forgotten..

A TripAdvisor spokesperson said, that guests are more likely to take items with them, which are generally considered free, such as toiletries or stationery.


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