Пять нераспознанных мировых сокровищ, Part 3: Пинъяо и Бантеай Чхмар
2 October, 2014
The ancient city of Pingyao, China
Named as «The long Wall of 10,000 Li» China, Wall longer than 20 thousand kilometer Great began being built from the third century b.c. and was built in the 17th century a.d. on the northern border of China, and is the world's largest military structure.
Prefer to see a more complete picture of the ancient Chinese life? Book your ticket on the high-speed railway train and take a 700-kilometre journey to South-West from Beijing to Pingyao in just four hours. (Trip on an ordinary train can take 10 before 14 hours.)
Ancient Pingyao is a stunning city, who built the Chinese of the Ming and Qing dynasties (1368-1911). Almost 400 of 4000 existing internal yard buildings of Ming and Qing era remain intact, as and 6 km city wall. The city was the Centre of China's banking industry 19 and 20 centuries, and some of his stately buildings testify to the richness of the city.
«Pingyao is just a magical place, given the incredible urbanization of Beijing and Shanghai, and the fact, that almost every other Chinese city has long since lost its wall», said Michael. «You really feel, that came in the past».
Banteay Chhmar District, Cambodia
Angkor Wat is the most famous archaeological sites in the province of Angkor in Cambodia, There are remains of several different capitals of the Khmer Empire which existed from the 9th on 15 century BC.
Less known, but rich archeological ruins, Banteay Chhmar district temple complex (Citadel Cats) in North-eastern Cambodia, was built by order of the Khmer King Dzhajavarmana VII (1181-1219 a.d.).
Located in a three-hour drive from Angkor Wat, This place is well known for the reliefs and documents, reflecting the history of this period. Marauders reached many bas-reliefs and other objects of art in the 1990-ies, and World Heritage Fund (UNESCO) wants to save the remaining monuments and the Central temple complex and help local communities in tourism development.
This is really «very worthwhile place», said Wheeler. There «many attractions of huge stone standing ahead of, up to bas-reliefs with intricate carvings, that you find on the streets, Angkor by which go only locals and not only no crowds, but tourists generally».
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