Пять нераспознанных мировых сокровищ, Part 4: Chavin de Lima, Peru

10 October, 2014


Chavin de Lima, Peru

Чавин де Уантар, Перу. Фото: Taco Витте Источник: Flickr

Ancient architecture. Photo: Taco Witte Source: Flickr

Many tourists, visiting Peru fly to Lima and then commit a short flight to Cusco, to explore the ruins of the ancient city of Machu Picchu, built in 15 century, perhaps, the fascinating city of the Inca Empire.

What about the city a few centuries older? One of Peru's oldest cultures, Chavin de Vantar existed before Andean culture, and thrived in a place of the same name in 1500-400 gg. BC, some structures, those who have survived from that era are at the height of 3180 metres above sea level.



Archaeological excavations in Chavin, located in about 250 km north of Lima, Prove, that this place was a religious and ceremonial pilgrimage center for the pre-Columbian Andean religious world.

«It is distinguished by highly organized architectural structures, built in mounds and squares, which include the earliest known history of the use of fine carvings and works with stone facades, as well as complex graphics, similar to baroque and instantly recognizable «Art» Style, Thanks to the items, Made of stone, Ceramics, bone and gold», said Michael. «It is also one of the earliest manifestations of shamanism, where power has been legitimized through the faith of a small elite, having a divine connection».

«The Chavin Monumental Center was clearly a very significant place, and its intricate architecture puts it among the most impressive temples of its time, Anywhere in the world».
Take an eight-hour bus ride from Lima to the northern city of Uras / Huaraz, and you'll have one more hour of driving on one of the three or four buses going from Maraas to Chavin.

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