Top 10 most extraordinary places to stay in 2014

1 Март, 2014


Remember, where you stay in your last trip. Was it just a place, to put your head, or it threw you in the local flavor, the surrounding wildlife and spark fire your imagination?

Lonely Planet authors and editors, offered the most extraordinary hotels and hostels worldwide. Expert Group on Travel Edition «Lonely Planet» selected from this list 10 the most exciting options – Take a look, It's possible, some of them inspire you to travel in 2014 Year …

1. Mirih Garh ( ), Раджастан, India

2. Планета Баобаб, Гвета, Ботсвана

3. Прендипарте / Prendiparte B & B, Болонья, Italy

4. Каср Аль Сараб / Qasr Al Sarab, United Arab Emirates



5. Грандл Маунтейн Лоджи / Cradle Mountain Lodge, Tasmania, Australia

6. Свободная Спиритическая Сфера / Free Spirit Spheres, Британская Колумбия, Canada

7. Отель Тасконак / Taskonak Hotel, Göreme, Cappadocia, Turkey

8. Тонга Бич Лодж / Thonga Beach Lodge , Wetland Park Isimangaliso, South Africa

9. Saugertis Lighthouse / Saugerties Lighthouse, NY, United States

10. Forest House Gibbon / Ggibbonexperience Treehouse (, Bokeo nature reserve, Laos

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