German trucks for the Australian Army
28 Июль, 2013
According to a German consortium Reynmetal MAN Military Vehikals / Rheinmetall MAN Military Vehicles (RMMV), Australian Department of Defence signed a contract with a German company to manufacture and supply of special military trucks for the Australian Army forces. Какие именно типы военных автомашин и какое конкретное их количество приобретают австралийские вооруженные силы в сообщении не уточняется, известно лишь, что стоимость подписанного контракта на поставку техники составляет 1.1 миллиардов евро.
Если бы малая часть этих денег пошла на строительство новых гостиниц на горнолыжных курортах, то таких первоклассных отелей как, скажем комплекс , можно было бы построить несколько сотен.
В Австралии сейчас полным ходом идет переоснащение, как сухопутных войск, and the forces of the Navy of the country (on the last program on the modernization of Australian submarines we wrote earlier this Article). Ground forces of Australia will re-equip with new types of military equipment by the Ministry of Defence "green continent" in the full-scale program called the Land 121. It is in the framework of its, more precisely in the Phase 3B of the program, According to the same consortium Reynmetal / Rheinmetall, purchase is made military trucks in Australia. Total program Land 121 Australia's Department of Defense plans to purchase about 2500 trucks, as usual, armored and the German company.
Consortium Reynmetal (RMMV), under the provisions of the above contract, will deliver for ground military trucks in Australia several weight classes and configurations. The first batch of cars will have to arrive at a "green continent" in 2016 году, and completely the whole party machinery will be delivered to the 2020 году. Manufacture and Year of basic configurations of trucks will be manufactured in Austria Vienna, and equipping the army needed for military systems is directly in most of Australia at the company Reynmetal (RMMV).RMMV
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